Prof. dr Lidija Kandolf
Specijalista dermatovenerologije
Supspecijalista onkologije
Ime i prezime: Lidija Kandolf
Godina i mesto rođenja: 1971. Beograd
2014. stečeno zvanje subspecijaliste onkologa
2006. Doktorska disertacija: »Mutacije i promene ekspresije gena odgovornih za proliferaciju i apoptozu T-limfocita kod obolelih od primarnog kutanog T-ćelijskog limfoma tipa mycosis fungoides», Vojnomedicinska akademija, Beograd
2001. Magistarska teza: “Određivanje pojedinih parametara eksperimentalno izazvane reakcije kontaktne preosetljivosti kod pacova i njihovo korišćenje u ispitivanju imunomodulatornog efekta laserskog ozračivanja niske snage”, Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
1996-1999.: Specijalizacija iz dermatovenerologije u Klinici za kožne i polne bolesti VMA
1995-1997.: Poslediplomske studije iz imunologije na Medicinskom fakultetu u Beogradu
1989-1995.: Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu (prosek na studijama 9.03)
2020.- Načelnik odeljenja Klinike za kožne i polne bolesti VMA
2019.-2020. Načelnik Klinike za kožne i polne bolesti VMA
2015-2019. Zastupnik načelnika Klinike za kožne i polne bolesti VMA
2017. Redovni profesor na predmetu dermatovenerologija u Vojnomedicinskoj akademiji
2008.-2015. Načelnik 1. Odeljenja Klinike za kožne i polne bolesti, zamenik načelnika Klinike za kožne i polne bolesti VMA
2012. Vanredni profesor na predmetu dermatovenerologija u Vojnomedicinskoj akademiji
2007. Docent na predmetu dermatovenerologija u Vojnomedicinskoj akademiji
2004-2008. Načelnik funkcijske dijagnostike DPC
2001. Asistent na predmetu dermatovenerologija u Vojnomedicinskoj akademiji
od1999.: specijalista-dermatovenerolog u Klinici za kožne i polne bolesti VMA
1996-1999.: lekar na specijalizaciji iz dermatovenerologije u Klinici za kožne i polne bolesti VMA
1995-1996: lekar na stažu u Kliničkom Centru Srbije
Zečević R, Kandolf Sekulović L, Mijušković Ž, Vojvodić D. Savremena terapija psorijaze. Beograd: Medija centar odbrana 2014.
Novaković M, Babović N, Kandolf Sekulović L urednici. Nacionalni vodič za melanom. Akademija medicinskih nauka, Ministarstvo zdravlja, 2019.
Kandolf-Sekulović L, Stojanov Lj, Karadaglić Đ. Hartnup disease. Medscape Drugs and Diseases. E-book. WebMD, 2016. Available at http://emedicine.medscape.com/dermatology
Kandolf-Sekulović L. Subcorneal pustular dermatosis. Medscape Drugs and Diseases. E-book. WebMD, 2016. Available at http://emedicine.medscape.com/dermatology
Pavlović MD, Labudović-Borović M, Kandolf Sekulović L. Lipidi epiderma i lojnih žlezda. Kandolf Sekulović. U : Karadaglić Đ. Urednik. Dermatologija. Izdavač: Beograd, Prof. Đorđije Karadaglić 2016 ; 156-170.
Kandolf Sekulović L Histiocitoze ne-Langerhansovih ćelija. U: Karadaglić Đ. Urednik. Dermatologija. Izdavač: Beograd, Prof. Đorđije Karadaglić 2016; 1177-1188.
Kandolf Sekulović L, Primarni kutani limfomi. U: Karadaglić Đ. Urednik. Dermatologija. Izdavač: Beograd, Prof. Đorđije Karadaglić 2016; 1197-1223.
Kandolf Sekulović L, Vukanović T. Pseudolimfomi. U: Karadaglić Đ. Urednik. Dermatologija. Izdavač: Beograd, Prof. Đorđije Karadaglić 2016; 1229-1235.
Kandolf Sekulović L Promene na koži kod imunosuprimovani osoba. U : Karadaglić Đ. Urednik. Dermatologija. Izdavač: Beograd, Prof. Đorđije Karadaglić 2016 ; 1397-1407.
Kandolf Sekulović L, Karadaglić Đ. Idiopatska preosetljivos tna ultravioletno zračenje. U: Karadaglić Đ. Urednik. Dermatologija. Izdavač: Beograd, Prof. Đorđije Karadaglić 2016; 1550-1565.
Kandolf Sekulović L, Karadaglić Đ. Idiopatska preosetljivos tna ultravioletno zračenje. U: Karadaglić Đ. Urednik. Dermatologija. Izdavač: Beograd, Prof. Đorđije Karadaglić 2016; 1572-1585.
Kandolf Sekulović L, Dunić I, Karadaglić Đ. Kožne promene u oboljenjima perifernih krvnih sudova. U: Karadaglić Đ. Urednik. Dermatologija. Izdavač: Beograd, Prof. Đorđije Karadaglić 2016; 1782-1819.
Roš T, Gajić B, Tiodorović-Živković D, Kandolf Sekulović L. Prevencija melanoma. U: Novaković M, Babović N i saradnici. Melanom kože – prevencija, dijagnostika i lečenje. Beograd: Akademija medicinskih nauka Srpskog lekarskog društva 2014.
Brašanac D, Mijušković Ž, Kandolf Sekulović L. Klasifikacija melanoma. U: Novaković M, Babović N i saradnici. Melanom kože – prevencija, dijagnostika i lečenje. Beograd: Akademija medicinskih nauka Srpskog lekarskog društva 2014.
Kandolf Sekulović L, Mijušković Ž. Inicijalne dijagnostičke procedure. Novaković M, Babović N i saradnici. Melanom kože - prevencija, dijagnostika i lečenje. Beograd: Akademija medicinskih nauka Srpskog lekarskog društva 2014.
Kandolf Sekulović L. Adjuvantna terapija melanoma. Novakovic M, Babovic N i saradnici. Melanom kože – prevencija, dijagnostika i lečenje. Beograd: Akademija medicinskih nauka Srpskog lekarskog društva 2014.
Pavlovic MD, Kandolf L. Epidermal and sebaceal lipids. In: Karadaglic Dj, editor. Dermatology (2000).
Pavlovic MD, Kandolf L. Biology of the eccrine and apocrine sweat glands. In: Karadaglic Dj, editor. Dermatology. (2000)
Pavlovic MD, Karadaglic Dj, Kandolf L. Melanoma of the skin and mucosa. In: Karadaglic Dj, editor. Dermatology. (2000)
Karadaglic Dj, Kandolf L. Benign proliferations of the macrophages. In: Karadaglic Dj, editor. Dermatology. (2000)
Karadaglic Dj, Kandolf L. Cutaneous manifestations of immune suppression. In: Karadaglic Dj, editor. Dermatology. (2000)
Karadaglic Dj, Kandolf L, Petar Bursac. Idiopathic photosensitivity. In: Karadaglic Dj, editor. Dermatology. (2000)
Karadaglic Dj, Kandolf L. Sun protection. In: Karadaglic Dj, editor. Dermatology. (2000)
Mladenovic T, Kandolf L, Zeljko P. Mijuskovic. Lasers in dermatology. In: Karadaglic Dj, editor. Dermatology. (2000)
Karadaglic Dj, Kandolf L. Skin changes in peripheral vascular diseases. In: Karadaglic Dj, editor. Dermatology. (2000)
Kandolf Sekulovic L, Peris K, Stratigos A, et al. Which medical disciplines diagnose and treat melanoma in Europe in 2019? A survey of experts from melanoma centers in 27 European countries. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2020 Dec 16. doi: 10.1111/jdv.17086. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33326646.
Jaukovic L, Rajović M, Kandolf Sekulovic L, Radulovic M, Stepic N, Mijuskovic Z, Petrov N, Ajdinovic B. Time to Procedure, Nuclear Imaging and Clinicopathological Characteristics as Predictive Factors for Sentinel Lymph Node Metastasis in Cutaneous Melanoma: A Single-Center Analysis. Ann Plast Surg. 2018 Jul;81(1):80-86. doi: 10.1097/SAP.0000000000001465. PMID: 29762449.
Rajović M, Jaukovic L, Kandolf Sekulovic L, Radulovic M, Petrov N, Mijuskovic Z, Stepic N, Nikolic Z. Regional lymph node metastases in cutaneous melanoma: a single-center analysis from southeast europe. Scand J Surg. 2021 Dec;110(4):498-503. doi: 10.1177/1457496921992936. Epub 2021 Feb 14. PMID: 33586532.
Stratigos AJ, Garbe C, Dessinioti C, Lebbe C, Bataille V, Bastholt L, Dreno B, Concetta Fargnoli M, Forsea AM, Frenard C, Harwood CA, Hauschild A, Hoeller C, Kandolf-Sekulovic L, et al; European Dermatology Forum (EDF), the European Association of Dermato-Oncology (EADO) and the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC). European interdisciplinary guideline on invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the skin: Part 2. Treatment. Eur J Cancer. 2020 Mar;128:83-102. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2020.01.008.
Stratigos AJ, Garbe C, Dessinioti C, Lebbe C, Bataille V, Bastholt L, Dreno B, Fargnoli MC, Forsea AM, Frenard C, Harwood CΑ, Hauschild A, Hoeller C, Kandolf-Sekulovic L, et al; European Dermatology Forum (EDF), the European Association of Dermato-Oncology (EADO) and the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC). European interdisciplinary guideline on invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the skin: Part 1. epidemiology, diagnostics and prevention. Eur J Cancer. 2020 Mar;128:60-82. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2020.01.007
Kandolf Sekulovic L, Guo J, Agarwala S, et al. Access to innovative medicines for metastatic melanoma worldwide: Melanoma World Society and European Association of Dermato-oncology survey in 34 countries. Eur J Cancer. 2018 Nov;104:201-209. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2018.09.013. Epub 2018 Oct 31. PMID: 30388700.
Dessinioti C, Dimou N, Geller AC, Stergiopoulou A, Lo S, Keim U, Gershenwald JE, Haydu LE, Ribero S, Quaglino P, Puig S, Malvehy J, Kandolf-Sekulovic L, Radevic T, et al. Distinct Clinicopathological and Prognostic Features of Thin Nodular Primary Melanomas: An International Study from 17 Centers. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2019 Dec 1;111(12):1314-1322. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djz034. PMID: 30863861; PMCID: PMC6910161.
Pellegrini C, Botta F, Massi D, Martorelli C, Facchetti F, Gandini S, Maisonneuve P, Avril MF, Demenais F, Bressac-de Paillerets B, Hoiom V, Cust AE,Anton-Culver H, Gruber SB, Gallagher RP, Marrett L, Zanetti R, Dwyer T, ThomasNE, Begg CB, Berwick M, Puig S, Potrony M, Nagore E, Ghiorzo P, Menin C,Manganoni AM, Rodolfo M, Brugnara S, Passoni E, Sekulovic LK, et al; IMI Study Group; GEM Study Group; M-SKIP Study Group. MC1R variants in childhood and adolescent melanoma: a retrospective pooled analysis of a multicentre cohort. Lancet Child Adolesc Health. 2019 May;3(5):332-342. doi: 10.1016/S2352-4642(19)30005-7. Epub 2019 Mar 12. PMID: 30872112; PMCID: PMC6942319.
Maric H, Supic G, Kandolf-Sekulovic L, Maric V, Mijuskovic Z, Radevic T, Rajovic M, Magic Z. DNMT1 and DNMT3B genetic polymorphisms affect the clinical course and outcome of melanoma patients. Melanoma Res. 2019 Dec;29(6):596-602. doi: 10.1097/CMR.0000000000000612. PMID: 30950914.
Lebbe C, Garbe C, Stratigos AJ, Harwood C, Peris K, Marmol VD, Malvehy J, Zalaudek I, Hoeller C, Dummer R, Forsea AM, Kandolf-Sekulovic L, et al; European Dermatology Forum (EDF), the European Association of Dermato-Oncology (EADO) and the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC). Diagnosis and treatment of Kaposi's sarcoma: European consensus-based interdisciplinary guideline (EDF/EADO/EORTC). Eur J Cancer. 2019 Jun;114:117-127. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2018.12.036. Epub 2019 May 13. PMID: 31096150.
Stratigos AJ, Garbe C, Dessinioti C, Lebbe C, Bataille V, Bastholt L, Dreno B, Concetta Fargnoli M, Forsea AM, Frenard C, Harwood CA, Hauschild A, Hoeller C, Kandolf-Sekulovic L, et al; European Dermatology Forum (EDF), the European Association of Dermato-Oncology (EADO) and the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC). European interdisciplinary guideline on invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the skin: Part 2. Treatment. Eur J Cancer. 2020 Feb 26:S0959-8049(20)30019-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2020.01.008. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32113942.
13. Kandolf Sekulovic L, Peris K, Hauschild A, Stratigos A, Grob JJ, Nathan P,et al. More than 5000 patients with metastatic melanoma in Europe per year do not have access to recommended first-line innovative treatments. Eur J Cancer. 2017 Apr;75:313-322.
14. Dinic M, Zecevic R, Hajdukovic Z, et al. and Kandolf-Sekulovic L. ZPsoriasis is the independent factor for early atherosclerosis: A prospective study of cardiometabolic risk profile. Vojnosanit Pregl 2016; 73(12): 1094–1101.
15. Stanojevic I, Miller K, Kandolf-Sekulovic L, Mijuskovic Z, Zolotarevski L, Jovic M, Gacevic M, Djukic M, Arsenijevic N, Vojvodic D. A subpopulation that may correspond to granulocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cells reflects the clinical stage and progression of cutaneous melanoma. Int Immunol. 2016 Feb;28(2):87-9
16. Jaukovic L, Sijan G, Rajović M, Kandolf-Sekulovic L, Radulovic M, Mijuskovic Z, Zolotarevski L, Ajdinovic B, Novakovic M. Lymphoscintigraphy and sentinel lymph node biopsy, in cutaneous melanoma staging and treatment decisions. Hell J Nucl Med. 2015 May-Aug;18(2):146-51
17. Zeljic K, Kandolf-Sekulovic L, Supic G, Pejovic J, Novakovic M, Mijuskovic Z, Magic Z. Melanoma risk is associated with vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms. Melanoma Res. 2014 Jun;24(3):273-9.
18. Kandolf-Sekulovic L, Babovic N, Balic M, Nikolin B, Nikolic D, Janjic Z, Jokic N, Milosavljevic M, Mijuskovic Z, Rajovic M, Novakovic M, Vrbic S, Pejcic I, Kovacevic P, Mihajlovic D, Roganovic T, Vicko F, Nikolic J, Marinkovic M. Epidemiology, clinicopathological characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of melanoma in Serbia – the Melanoma Focus study. Vojnosanit Pregl 2014; July Online First. Available at
Kandolf-Sekulović L, Živković-Perišić S, Radević T, Rajović M, Dinić M, Zolotarevski L, Mijušković ŽP, Zečević RD, Novaković M.. Melanoma in South-East Europe: epidemiological data from the central cancer registry and clinicopathological characteristics from the hospital-based registry in Serbia. Int J Dermatol 2012; 2012; 51(10):1186-94.
Maksimović N, Janković S, Marinković J, Sekulović LK, Zivković Z, Spirić VT. Health-related quality of life in patients with atopic dermatitis. J Dermatol 2012; 39(1):42-7.
Pasic S, Kandolf-Sekulovic L, Djuricic S, Zolotarevski L, Simic R, Abinun M. Necrobiotic cutaneous granulomas in Nijmegen breakage syndrome. J Invest Allergol Clin Immunol 2012; 22 (2).
Martic J, Mijac V, Jankovic B, Kandolf-Sekulovic L, Vasiljevic Z, Vuksanovic J. Neonatal cellulitis and sepsis caused by group A streptococcus. Pediatr Dermatol 2010; 27:528-30
Kandolf Sekulovic L, Cikota B, Jovic M, Skiljevic D, Stojadinovic O, Medenica Lj, Magic Z. The role of apoptosis and cell-proliferation regulating genes in mycosis fungoides. Journal of Dermatological Science 55 (2009) 53–72.
Kandolf-Sekulovic L, Pavlovic MD, Glisic B, Petronijevic M, Ristic R, Mijuskovic Z, Zecevic RD, Stefanovic D. Adamantiades–Behçet’s disease, deep venous thrombosis and anticardiolipin antibodies: report of two cases. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2005; 19: 484-6.
25. Kandolf-Sekulovic L, Kataranovski M, Pavlovic MD. Immunomodulatory effects of low-intensity near-infrared laser irradiation on contact hypersensitivity reaction. Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed. 2003; 19: 203-12.
26. Kandolf Sekulovic L, Karadaglic Dj, Stojanov Lj,. Hartnup disease. eMedicine: Dermatology [serial online]. 2012. www.emedicine.com
27. Kandolf Sekulović L, Cikota B, Stojadinović O, Basanović J, Skiljević D, Medenica Lj, Pavlović M, Magić Z. TCRgamma gene rearrangement analysis in skin samples and peripheral blood of mycosis fungoides patients. Acta Dermatovenerol Alp Panonica Adriat. 2007 Dec;16(4):149-55.
28. Pavlović MD, Kandolf Sekulović L, Zečević RD, Zolotarevski L. Keratosis palmoplantaris varians of Wachters in a patient with acanthosis nigricans and linear and whorled nevoid hypermelanosis. Acta Dermatoven APA 2004; 13: 95-100.
29. Pavlovic MD, Karadaglic Dj, Kandolf L, Mijuskovic ZP. Persistent erythema multiforme: a report of three cases. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2000.
30. Kataranovski M, Kandolf Sekulovic L, Karadaglic Dj. Experimental contact sensitivity: a model for both antigen (hapten)-specific and innate immune mechanisms. Acta Dermatoven APA 2001; 10: 85-91.
31. Kataranovski M, Milojevic G, Kandolf L, Milosevic V. Skin-organ culture as an approach in evaluation of nitric oxode (NO) involvement in contact hypersensitivity expression. Acta Dermatoven APA 2002; 11: 3-10.
32. Kataranovski M, Kandolf-Sekulovic L, Milosavljevic I. Production of TNF-alpha by skin explants of dinitrochlorobenzene-challenged ears in rats: a model for the evaluation of contact hypersensitivity. Vojnosanit Pregl. 2002; 59: 581-6.
33. Kandolf L, Djuran V, Mladenovic T, Bogdanovic Z, Bursac P, Karadaglic Dj. Scleroedema and diabetes mellitus. Acta Dermatovenerol Iugosl 1997; 20: 121-5.
Kandolf L. Effects of UVA radiation on the skin. Symposium "Public protection from deletirious effects of UV radiation" (Symposium proceedings). Belgrade, 2000.
35. Kandolf Sekulovic L, Mladenovic T. Systemic sclerosis – therapy. VII Belgrade dermatologic days (Symposium proceedings), 2001.
36. Kandolf L, Bursac P, Karadaglic Dj. Mycosis fungoides in adolescence. VI Belgrade dermatologic days (Symposium proceedings), 1999: 78-82.
Pavlovic MD, Kandolf L. Pemphigus and pemphigoid - immunopathogenesis: V Belgrade dermatologic days (Symposium proceedings), 1998.
38. Karadaglic Dj, Kandolf L. Nail diseases in hereditary diseases. IV Belgrade dermatologic days (Symposium proceedings), 1997: 17-22.
39. Pavlovic MD, Kandolf L, Mijuskovic ZP. Etiology and pathogenesis of lupus erythematosus. VI Belgrade dermatologic days (Symposium proceedings), 1999: 13-6.
40. Pavlovic MD, Kandolf L, Mijuskovic ZP. Approach to the patient with primary cutaneous lymphoma. VI Belgrade dermatologic days (Symposium proceedings), 1999: 78-82.
41. Karadaglic Dj, Bursac P, Kandolf L. Lupus erythematosus - clinical manifestations. VI Belgrade dermatologic days (Symposium proceedings), 1999: 78-82.
42. Karadaglic Dj, Kandolf L. Photodynamic therapy in dermatology. VI Belgrade dermatologic days (Symposium proceedings), 1999: 78-82.
43. Mladenovic T, Mijuskovic ZP, Nikolic B, Kandolf L. Acropathia ulceromutilans (Bureau-Barrièr) - case report. VI Belgrade dermatologic days (Symposium proceedings), 1999: 167-8
Član Izvršnog odbora Udruženja za dermatologiju i venerologiju Srbije, sekretar Intersekcijskog odbora za melanom Srpskog lekarskog društva, Član izvršnog odbora Evropskog Udruženja za dermatološku onkologiju (EADO), Član Evropskog Dermatološkog Foruma (EDF), Internacionalnog društva za dermoskopiju, Evropske akademije za dermatologiju i venerologiju (EADV), Evropskog udruženja za medikalnu onkologiju (ESMO), Američkog društva za kliničku onkologiju (ASCO).
Dijagnostika i lečenje tumora kože (dermoskopija, dermatohirurgija, dermatoonkologija)
Lečenje alergijskih bolesti kože (atopijski dermatitis, kontaktni dermatitis, urtikarije)
Lečenje psorijaze i drugih inflamatornih dermatoza
Lečenje akni
Lečenje hiperhidroze